PNVS$500925$ - traduzione in spagnolo
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PNVS$500925$ - traduzione in spagnolo

M-TADS/PNVS; Target Acquisition and Designation Sights, Pilot Night Vision System; Target Acquisition Designation Sight, Pilot Night Vision System; Target Acquisition and Designation System, Pilot Night Vision System; Target Acquisition and Designation Sights
  • TADS / PNVS on a [[Boeing AH-64 Apache]] helicopter
  • thumb

Sensor de piloto de visión nocturna (transforma las ondas de calor en imágenes)



The Target Acquisition and Designation Sights, Pilot Night Vision System (TADS/PNVS) is the combined sensor and targeting unit fitted to the Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter. Both systems are independent, but housed together.

Lockheed Martin signed the original TADS/PNVS production contract on 30 April 1982, and the first TADS/PNVS system was fielded in 1983.